Free Stories

Happy Halloween
Hello my name is Mike! Let me tell you a little about myself for the story. I'm about 5 foot 5 and thin, about 135bls. I am half white and half hispanic, so i have a nice light brown complextion. I don't have much body hair and am very GAY! I have always know that I was gay, there was never... Read full Story
The Birthday Gift Part 2
This story continues the events started in "The Birthday Gift." If you want the full effect you should go back and read part one. If you like it, and this story as well, be sure to vote and leave feedback. The TV standing in front of the bed showed the scene we had watched I don't know ... Read full Story
My First Encounter
I had just moved to a brand new city to take a high paying finance job. I had been some what of a workaholic my first six months here. I was working around the clock 7 days a week to make a good first impression. My hard work had finally paid off and I had received a promotion that came with a quite... Read full Story