Newest Free Stories

My wife doesn't believe I'm a sissy maid
It was our normal evening routing. My wife had gone to bed to watch some of her TV programs and I was left downstairs to watch my TV programs. As usual, I was soon logged onto FetLife, chatting with my sissy sisters and a few select men. I am a closeted crossdress, well a closeted sissy crossdres... Read full Story
Ups and downs
I rarely write stories that I post. After my last story, I have managed to become a verified AST model. Wow! I remember the feeling when I saw the purple icon next to my name. I'm among the greats, I thought. But life as a model is like life itself. Ups and downs. I may look tough in my videos... Read full Story
A week in Germany
It's been about a week since I came to Germany from the UK. It's my first time in Germany, so everything is unfamiliar and not easy. It's especially difficult because I don't speak German at all. I will try to learn German little by little. I decided to live in Mannheim first, and I plan... Read full Story
The hotel maid (from the maids PoV)
With only a few minutes until the guests start to arrive at their room I continued to prepare my last room. As I bend over the bed trying to reach a pillow, my dress rides up showing my garter framed panties. Still trying to reach the pillow I get onto all fours on the bed. I'm totally unaware th... Read full Story
The hotel maid (from his PoV)
As you approach your hotel room, you notice the door is slightly ajar. You peak thought the crack of the door to see the maid is still making the bed. As she bends over the bed trying to reach a pillow, her dress rides up showing her garter framed panties. Still trying to reach the pillow she get... Read full Story
On-Base Housing
“Bye bye,” smiled the preschooler with immaculate cornrows and colorful beads dangling from them. “Bye, Eden! Love you,” said the in shape man with a shaved head and medium brown complexion. “Love you too, Langston!” The toddler simply waved at his dad. “Drive safe,” the average height man s... Read full Story
Valentina Ginger hooker from Brazil in Edinburgh
I had just arrived in Edinburgh and still had a few hours, so I wanted to use the time and checked the relevant pages. Immediately my eyes fell on the light-skinned, red-haired sex goddess Valentina. When I also read the promising text "....and you want to get fucked properly, here I am!" There was ... Read full Story
im a chronic masturbating sissy slut
i know this is disgusting and really fucked up but i love touching myself more than having sex ive gotten worse as i get older i know how destructive masturbating for hours everyday is i hardly ever leave home or talk to friends or family. i stay dressed 24/7 i even fall asleep dressed as a ch... Read full Story
Flidais a sissy that loves BBC
Just started to train myself again, I decied to follow my path and my instints. I can't stop thinking about BBC inside me, and dress up as a little sissy caged, just thtat thought makes me drip with love. I am pluged and caged as a write this, i am also playing video games trying to see how man... Read full Story
Girlfriend Surprise
I'm in a vibrant city, where the air is filled with energy and laughter. It's nighttime, and I walk into a cozy bar, drawn in by the sweet music and the warm glow of the lights. As I step inside, my eyes land on her—a girl whose captivating smile instantly catches my attention. “Can I sit here?” ... Read full Story