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Camming down the rabbit hole Ch6

A little shorter, changing my gate and using my hips not only felt more comfortable but it gave that deliciously sensitive spot and tickle as it nudged inside me. I was glad for the tightness of my trousers as my cock had nowhere to get hard and I knew that the position it was in nobody would be able to see it from the outside.

One thing the plug did do was make the usually boring walk to the shops more interesting, I can’t say if a passed any people I was too caught up in my own world. Something about wearing this outfit, and being turned on a little more with each step was quite addictive. I caught myself humming and occasionally giving out little yelps as a certain movement triggered a fizz of pleasure.

Arriving at the shop and seeing a small queue outside I suddenly felt a bit exposed, like someone would know what I was doing, what I had inside me, would point at me and call me out for being a guy in girls’ clothes. But nobody did, well if you call the guy a few places in-front of me not so subtly turning round and giving me the once over a few times, his expressions led me to believe he had no suspicions about what was between my legs at all.

Eventually inside, I grabbed a basket and filled it will all the items I had on my list. Standing still outside had given me time to cool down a bit, but it almost became a game of deliberately moving so that my plug would hit the right spot, at one point I backed up not looking behind me, and a cart being pushed collided with my ass, an almost direct hit on the plug and I let out a yelp. A sudden rush of pleasure fired through me and I gasped audibly. The old lady pushing the cart apologised profusely not realising that my squeal was not in pain, composing myself I insisted I was ok and she moved away. I really needed to calm down, I was sure there were laws about being this aroused in public.

Food supplies purchased I moved to the next shop to pick up a blender I had already pre-ordered online, that shopping experience was much more conventional without the borderline involuntary orgasm and I set off enroute back home. It was a mistake for me to not take the plug out before I left the house, while I had enjoyed it, I was getting that distinct feeling I was quite wet down there which was only getting worse with each step.

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