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Jobe, Cross Dresser Extraordinaire

I used to be pretty bored. Not last week, or a mouth ago, but the last twenty five years. Life has just always seemed to be… dull. But lately, things have been looking up. I grew my hair out recently, I've got black hair, I'm tall and skinny, perfect body to pretend you're a girl in.

I'm the public relations man for a large company. Most of my work is done outside the office but I'm still there a few days out of every week. I can put on emotions pretty good. Here comes Tom for example, he has no idea that I think he's the dumbest guy that works here.

"Hey Joe, can I talk to you for a second?" I thought, No you idiot leave me alone.

"Sure Tom, what ya need?"

"Well, this report you handed in is due on Friday." He handed me a folder.

"Well Tom…its Wednesday." He looked at me as though I were an idiot.

"I know," he lowered his voice. "Right now I don't have any assignments. If you turn this in now I'll have to tell my boss I'm ready for my next project, Joe, I'm on level ten in Flash Whack A Mole."

Internet games, God what an idiot. "Okay, so I'll hold on to this till Friday and you and I both won't have to work."

"Thanks Joe!" Off Tom went to play Whack A Mole. I can't stand it when people call me Joe. It's Jobe. There's a B.

Except the Boss, she can call me Joe. Hearing her say my name, in whatever way she wants to, is lovely. I think she's so beautiful, I suppose most people wouldn't think so. She's short, small breast, pale skin… and she's and most obvious dyke you've ever seen. The minute she opens her month you know she's a lesbian. And she has an air about her… I can only describe it as a masculine kind of presence.

I can't stand girly girls. I hate it when people act… well, overly happy. I rarely smile; people think I'm bored with them when I don't pretend to be cheerful, and… their right of course.

I'm headed to see the Boss, the high point of my day. But first I had to get past her damn secretary.

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